In the Pokémon universe, a Master Ball guarantees the capture of a Pokémon, but they are very rare, so it’s best to think carefully before using a Master Ball. Unfortunately, the Pokémon GO player in question was a bit too hasty in using their Master Ball.
The player encountered a (Galarian) Moltres and decided to use their Master Ball to guarantee the capture of the legendary Pokémon. This, in itself, wasn’t a bad idea, but the disappointment came swiftly. It turned out that it wasn’t a real Moltres but a Zorua, a Pokémon that can transform into other Pokémon, much like Ditto.
Certainly, it was an embarrassing situation: wasting a Master Ball and not gaining a legendary Pokémon. However, the player could have realized something was amiss. Other Pokémon GO players quickly pointed out online that the Moltres was wearing a Buddy Ribbon. This was essentially a giveaway that it was a Zorua, as Zorua appears as one of your Buddy Pokémon from the previous month.
: Oh no! There goes the Masterball
3 responses to “Oh no! There goes the Masterball”
I would be upset too if I made this mistake, I probably will not be getting a Master Ball in Go because the research to get one is ridiculously tedious and it’s timed research too so this player wasted their Master Ball which is difficult to get on a Pokemon they already own rather than a Galarian Moltres. I suppose the lesson of this story is to pay attention while playing games, you just never know when you’ll waste a valuable item!
I just located the video (that this blog post mentions) on Youtube. I didn’t watch the whole thing but I skimmed it. I might actually go back and watch whole thing, of course I’d have to break it up and watch it like a tv show a half hour or hour at a time. I am fascinated with video game history. I watch another Youtube channel called ‘Gaming Historian’ and its an amazing channel. I’ve probably seen ever video on that channel, even rewatched a few videos.
Oops the above reply was meant for